Friday, June 09, 2006

Chapter Two: Up Up and Away!

"Are you ready for dis?!"

The end of May came upon me faster than a speeding bullet. Reflecting now I can’t believe it went by so fast. With a week and a half left to go I accompanied Ryan to one last Oakland party with a superhero theme.

Ryan went as “ Super Market” and was by far the cleverest character there. All the East Bay art kids were there so it was cool to hang out and say a whole bunch of goodbyes in one night.

Then it was the day before; I drove around Oakland taking some final reference photos of my favorite places. Number one on the list will always be the Oakland Tribune building. When I first moved up north I had a view of this tower and always expected to see Batman swing across it. I have consistently drawn it since and have no shame for how many times it will pop up in my work.

On that same note Paula’s face pops up quite often in my work too. Earlier in the month I was drawing an ad for my work and I needed a cute face to draw.

So I whipped out this pseudo likeness of Paula toot sweet. I have drawn this girl so many times that I could do it in my sleep. Now that I have left Oakland who is going to pose in all my illustrations?

Here I am the night before I leave, about to have some drinks with a few people. After this photo was taken I went from zero to drunk in under twenty minute. That is what happens when you leave town and everyone wants to buy you drinks.

I am not too good with sentimentality especially in regards to having to leave all my great buddies. I am also not to good saying goodbye. I like being the center of attention (obviously), but I don’t like to get too weepy in front of people. But I’m glad it was an emotional send off.

I am not much of a crying person, hell I laughed when Bambies' mom died in that tragic scene at the tender age of 8 ( Momma? Momma?” comedy gold). Yet As I left the next morning I was so overcome with such sadness that the water works wouldn’t stop. I know that I made the right choice to move forward and out of "The Bay", but saying bye to the last five years, my college days, and all my dearest friends was one of the hardest things I have had to do.

So to wrap up here are some photos from the drive down taken when I wasn’t singing along to "Lights" by Journey and Crying at the poignancy of the line: " When the lights go down in the city...Oh I want to be dooooowwwnn in the city!" .

" That is just damn good Advice"

" Who decided that this particular AMPM needed a metal dino skeleton?"

"Illegible Sky writing...AXU? That is how I would sky write."

When I got home I was restless so my Brother (whom I’ll be living with) dragged me out to a Toga Party by USC.

"My bro says" Silence Christians or you'll be sent to the lions den!" But the man behind him is being lit by his divine goodness"

As you might imagine I am not a Toga Party kind of guy, so I refused to wear one (because it would clash with my fancy boots.) Since it was the first and most likely last one I’ll go to I did some documenting of the festivities.

Just a week before I attended another cramped party house talking with a bunch of art students dressed as Superheros, now I was hanging with a bunch of Coeds in loose fitting pants and halter tops playing ping pong themed drinking games. Weird and out of place does not begin to describe how I felt.

Up north I was the loud Mexican at the art party and was a novelty because of all the skinny white hipster around. But now I am just another loud Mexican,and we are a dime a dozen here! What am I gonna do now for attention? I am going to have to learn to belly dance or eat fire.

Anyway I had a good time at the toga party regardless.

Well Oakland Goodbye, I'll always love you.

Los Angeles, I'm yours! Even with all your "dolor and decay".

More stuff is a poppin' I now have two new jobs...but that is another story.

Till Later,


Thursday, June 08, 2006

Chapter One: Brass and Moving Boxes

Oh lord it has been too long ! A big move and many tearful hugs and kisses later I am in Los Angeles now.

Well it is time to get this blog back on track. Here is the story of May in two parts.

Chapter One: Brass and moving boxes

A group show with about eight other artists opened up the month. The experience of hanging the work was fun and grueling as about 200 paintings in total were involved.

The show went of like Gangbusters and quite a bit of work sold. Hooray for all involved. However everything leading up to the show was a nightmare. Not only was our setup time mistakenly set up wrong twice…but when we did show up to finally hang work there were other complications. When we arrived at the gallery there was a brass band playing crazy circus music right in the gallery. After much negotiation we allowed them two more hours to finish practice while we got ready (i.e. got beer and burritos).

We started hanging work near the end of the Circus Band’s practice when their striped stocking wearing leader came over to us and asked if they were really that much of a bother and could they keep playing in the gallery.

Now…I don’t know how many of you have tried to arrange 200 paintings while a tuba blares at you from two feet away. As you can imagine it is fairly difficult. So they ended up relocating for the next two hours outside. Sensibly a band would head down the street, but our dear friends in the art school brass cabaret decided that the best acoustics were directly out the front door.

We toughed through it and the show turned out great.

How did we ever manage to do it? Tuborg baby…Copenhagen’s finest .50-cent beer!

After the show I received a vision from above telling me it was time to move back to Los Angeles. Zombie Darwin visited me riding a beam of light and together with his cheetah woman bride we decided it was best if I moved down south for a spell.

" Chaz Darwin in Zombie mode"

So I got to packing, and with my Boone companion Roboraptor we decided which belongings would stay and which would go.

The middle of the month was filled with making arrangements working my butt off and then of course beginning to say goodbye to all the homies in Oaktown. Over the month I got two illustration jobs that both went off well. Not necessarily my best work…but regardless I can’t believe people want to pay me for this. I love illustrating. The first was for an article about Corporations hiring people to predict trends and shifts in the marketplace. The bright yellow image is about how well the California Supreme court justices get along.

Stay tuned for the next Chapter!